Friday, September 7, 2012

Philippians 2:6

“who, though He was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped.” Philippians 2:6

Jesus is God, and yet still He came to this earth to take on flesh. I am so thankful that Jesus loved me enough to become like me – yet was without sin.

I love the song, “Be Lifted Higher”. Some of the lyrics are: “Being in nature God, You still became a man. Humble and meek, washing our feet, though You had made each hand. Found to be so like us, and yet so different still. Counted the cost, died on the cross, gave up Your will.”

It is a humbling thought indeed, to think that Jesus, while still fully God, became fully man. He did it because of love. He laid aside His rights and His will to love me. What amazing love!

Am I willing to lay aside myself to love others? Do I cling to my rights, or am I willing to lay them down to serve others?

Christ became like me, and now I want to become like Him. I want to follow His example.

Application: Today I will pray that Jesus will show me ways to be a better servant.

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