Friday, September 7, 2012

Luke 22:43

“And there appeared to Him an angel from heaven, strengthening Him.” Luke 22:43
In the previous verses we saw how Jesus withdrew from His disciples and cried out to His Father in prayer. We saw how Jesus asked for the cup of suffering to be removed from Him, yet, He prayed, “Not My will, but Yours, be done.”

Now we see here in verse 43 that an angel appeared to Him and strengthened Him. I love this picture. After Jesus cried out to His Father, after He prayed for His Father’s will to be done, He was strengthened.

Last summer I spent two months in Belize as a missionary intern. Those two months were so very hard and yet so very sweet at the same time. There were times I felt I couldn’t go on, times I felt terribly overwhelmed by fear and homesickness. I would go out to the jungle and just cry out to Jesus. I can’t describe it, but somehow He was always so faithful to give me the strength I needed. I would think of the song lyrics, “When we see You we find strength to face the day, in Your presence all our fears are washed away.”

The Lord taught me so much in that jungle. I learned when I cry out in brokenness and surrender Jesus is always so faithful to give me the strength I need.

I am so weak, but it is in my weakness that I most clearly see His perfect strength.
Application: Today I will read 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 to remind me of the strength I have in Him.

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