Thursday, September 20, 2012

John 17:22

“The glory that You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one even as We are one.” John 17:22

I read this verse yesterday morning and was thinking about it throughout the day. There are some days when I read the verses we are studying and it’s not too difficult for me interpret them, but this verse was a challenge for me.

What really stood out to me in this verse is the beginning of it –“The glory that You have given Me I have given to them.” This amazes me. The glory that God the Father gave Jesus His Son, has also been given to us. We who have Christ in us also have the hope of glory in us. Colossians 1:27 says: “To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.”  We know that one day we shall see Jesus face to face and will then dwell in everlasting glory. I can’t wait! This reminds me of Romans 8:18 – “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” What a comfort this is to me! There are many trials, disappointments, and hardships we face in this life. If one focuses on those things, it’s very easy to become discouraged. I am so thankful that we don’t have to focus on the trials, disappointments, and hardships, because while those things are very real, they are only temporary. How much better then is it to focus on the eternal! Our future glory is eternal and going back to Romans 8:18 we see that nothing we could ever go through is even worth comparing to the glory which awaits us. This should give us great motivation to press on through the valleys, and to press on with joy.

Jesus gave us the glory that was given to Him so that we may be one, just as He is one with His Father and the Holy Spirit. How does the glory which we are given relate to the unity to which we are called? I had a hard time connecting these things together. I believe that the glory which Jesus has given us is the driving force of our unity, that is, His glory in us is what makes us long for unity with our brothers and sisters. Jesus is our glory, He is the One for whom it is more than worth going through these present sufferings. He is not only the driving force of our unity, but He is also the One who even makes unity possible. It is only Jesus in us, who is our glory, who enables us to live in unity with our brothers and sisters. On our own we are absolutely unable to achieve unity; it is only by Jesus.

I am so thankful that Jesus chose to make me His daughter; He chose to reserve an inheritance of glory for me. He is my hope of glory. He not only chose to reveal His glory to be in the future, but each day He shows me His glory and is transforming me into His likeness. I am so amazed that Jesus has chosen to bless me so abundantly, and I long to live a life of thanksgiving to Him. He has asked that I be unified with my fellow believers, and I want to honor His request. I can only do this by His strength. On my own it is impossible, but the things which are impossible for man are possible with God.

Application: Today I will thank the Lord for being my hope of glory.

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