Friday, September 7, 2012

Acts 2:42

“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. Acts 2:42

 I love the word devoted – but what does it mean? I talk about doing my devotions, but why do I use that word?

In Webster’s dictionary, the definition for the word devote is: “to set apart; give; dedicate.”

I love that. I want to be fully devoted, fully given, and fully dedicated, to Jesus. I remember a time in my life where the Lord really ministered to me to be selflessly devoted to Him. Selflessly devoted. To be selflessly devoted to my heavenly Father and King…that is my longing. There is no greater joy than that which is found in complete devotion to Jesus.

Sunday is the day of the week I have decided to try to call my parents. I try to call other days as well if my schedule allows, but our phone date has been set for Sundays.  All throughout the week, I look forward to Sunday. If something comes up and our Sunday date doesn’t happen, I find myself terribly disappointed. I am devoted to my time with my Dad and Mom, as little as it may be.

That devotion comes not from a sense of obligation or duty, but from my love for them. I treasure the moments we get to talk because I love them so much.

That’s how I want my devotion to Jesus to be. I want to be devoted to Him because of my deep love for Him. I want to treasure my moments with Him. As I devote myself to Jesus and my time with Him, I will find myself becoming devoted to the things of Him, to the teaching of His Word, to fellowship with my brothers and sisters in Christ, and to communion.

Jesus, please work in me a heart that is totally, completely, and selflessly devoted to You in love.
Application: Today I will memorize Psalm 42:1-2

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