Friday, September 7, 2012

Acts 2:45

“And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need.” Acts 2:45

In this verse I see the giving and generous hearts of the believers. I see them giving up their possessions and belongings for the sake of others. Am I willing to give up what’s dear to me for the sake of others? Am I willing to give up my rights to serve others? Am I really a servant?

I have given my life to Christ, and so I am a bondservant of Christ. What is a bondservant?
A bondservant is a willing slave – someone who has willingly given up his rights to serve his master.

Daily I long to give up my rights to serve Jesus, and serving Jesus means serving others.

Jesus, please give me a servant’s heart. I pray that I wouldn’t hold onto my rights as though I am my own, but that I’d recognize I am Yours and thus willingly lay down my rights to serve You.

Application: Today I will pray that the Lord would work in me a servant’s heart, and that I would willingly serve my team.

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