Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Mark 8:38

In Mark 8:34-37 Jesus told His disciples that if they would come after Him, they must deny themselves, pick up their crosses, and follow Him. He also told them that the one who desires to save his life must first lose it. He asked them what profit there is in gaining the world and yet forfeiting your soul, and He also asked what a man could give in return for his soul. The answer to this last question, of course, is no earthly thing can a man give in return for his soul. There is nothing a man can do in and of himself for salvation. Jesus is the only One who can save the soul. It is only by believing in His finished work that one might be saved.

These last several verses have been pretty heavy. We have really discovered that Jesus doesn’t merely want a part of us, He wants our heart. There are so many who simply add Jesus to their life instead of making Him their life. This is not at all His heart for His people. He longs for an intimate and close relationship with His children, and this requires sacrifice. It required sacrifice on His part to even make the relationship possible, and now it requires sacrifice on our part to really live our lives for Him.

Now in verse 38, after Jesus calling His disciples to a life fully devoted to Him, He says: “For whoever is ashamed of Me and of My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of Man also be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His father with the holy angels.”

Let’s admit it. It’s easy to sit in the comfort of our home or church, surrounded by fellow believers, and think “I would never be ashamed of Jesus! I love talking about Him and praising His name!” But what about when you get to work and are around your coworkers with whom you want so much to be friends? How excited are you to talk about Him then? What about at those family gatherings on special occasions, when your loved ones are putting down Christians and the only time you hear God’s name is when it is used in vain? How bold and ready are you then to declare your love for Jesus?

I am so guilty of not speaking up for Jesus like I should. It’s much easier to simply enjoy the small talk at work, or to sit quietly at the dinner table at those family gatherings, but Jesus doesn’t call us to an easy life, does He? If you think He wants you to live an easy life, just go back and read Mark 8:34-37 again.  
I want my life to be marked by my unashamed love for Jesus. I want to love Him out loud no matter the cost, no matter what people may think of me.

I love Romans 1:16 – “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.”

Wow! The gospel is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes. I don’t want to be ashamed of the good news of Jesus! I want to live my life in a way that always points to Him, and I don’t want to only point to Him, but to also not be afraid to speak of Him. I long for my loved ones and the whole world to come to know Jesus, and so I need to live in a way that daily declares Him. Jesus, please help me do this.

Application: Today I will pray that I would not shrink back from declaring Jesus, both in my words and in my actions. I will pray for boldness for Him. 

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