Friday, September 7, 2012

Luke 22:42

“saying, ‘Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not My will, but Yours, be done.” Luke 22:42

This is a verse that speaks so sweetly to me. Jesus prayed this prayer speaking of His upcoming death on the cross. I see how Jesus, full of pain and sorrow, cried out to His Father. I see Him praying that the cup of suffering might pass from Him, and yet still He said “Not My will, but Yours, be done.”  Even though the sorrow He felt was so real, the agony He experienced so intense, His Father’s will and purpose was of more importance to Him than His own comfort. This prayer is such an example to me.

I have had to face hard times in my life; there have been things that have happened that I haven’t understood, questions that have been left unanswered. There have been times when the Lord has asked me to drink of the cup of suffering and it hurts. This verse reminds me what the response of my heart should be to suffering…my heart should be one of willingness and obedience, even if it is painful.

Oh, how I long for the cry of my heart in all things to be “Not my will, but Yours be done.” I can trust that my Heavenly Father has a perfect and good plan for my life. He can see the finished work, while I can only see a little piece of the work that He’s doing. I must not fret when I don’t understand or when I can’t see what He’s doing. My heart should be one of hope and confidence in my Savior, trusting that His ways are best, and that He will never cease working for my good. When this life brings me heartache and sorrow, when questions are left unanswered and I can’t see past the trial, I need to cry out to my Heavenly Father. I need to die to myself and pray for His will to be done, even if His will brings suffering. I want to fully accept His plan and purpose for my life, to drink from the cup that my Father gives me. I know that when He gives me the cup of suffering, He will with it give me the strength and the comfort that I need.

Romans 8:28 “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.”

Application: In my prayers today, I will always ask for the Lord’s will to be done, not my own.

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