Friday, September 7, 2012

1 Corinthians 9:26

“So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air.” 1 Corinthians 9:26

In the previous verses Paul wrote of having self-control as we run the race set before us. He also reminded us that we do not run this race for a prize that will fade, but for one that is everlasting. This should give us a great motivation to run the race well.

Now, here in verse 26 he says “So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air.”

Webster’s dictionary defines the word aimlessly as “having no aim or purpose”.  Paul writes that he does not run this race aimlessly – as having no purpose. He runs this race with a purpose.

I want to run my race with a purpose, because I do have a purpose. My purpose is Jesus. I want to fall more and more in love with Him each day, and I want to share Him with others. He is my everlasting Prize, my eternal Reward, and this Prize and Reward is far too great to keep to myself.

Before I mentioned a book I read by Francis Chan entitled, “Forgotten God”, and in that book he wrote about how people always seem to want to know the will of God for their lives. They are always so concerned with what God’s will for them is for the next ten years of their lives that they often miss what His will for them is for the next ten minutes. I want to live every moment focused on God’s purpose for me in that very moment, and not miss His purpose by focusing on what He might have for me tomorrow.

What a joy it is to know that I can wake up each and every day with a purpose. What a sweet blessing it is to wake up each morning and seek to know and love Jesus more and more, and share Him with others. That is my purpose. Jesus, please help me to fulfill Your purpose for me each and every day.

Application: Today I will ask the Lord to help me to live each moment to the fullest and with His purpose for me in mind.

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