I might have mentioned before that I help out with the Cubbies (3, 4, & 5 year olds) at church. If I haven't, well, I guess I'm mentioning it now. :)
Last time one of the cutest little girls on the face of this earth said the cutest thing.
Here's the conversation, to the best of my memory:
Mike (teacher of the class): "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
Bethany: "I want to be a Queen, but queens are bad. She hurries to explain: But I'm not going to be a bad one. I'll be a good one."
Mike: Well that's good! What are you going to be the Queen of?"
Bethany: "I'm going to be a Queen who lives in a castle."
Mike: "Oh, do you have a Prince?"
Bethany: "Yes. His name is Miles and he goes to my school."
Mike: "Really? Does he know he's your Prince?"
Bethany: "Yes he knows it. Bethany pauses for a moment then says: No actually he doesn't know yet."
Bethany exits the "stage" in her beautiful Queen gown and goes sits down while Mike calls on the next child to explain what "career" they want to have when they grow up.
It was way too cute! I totally love being in there with all those kids.
They never fail to make me laugh or to give me something to smile about - even days later.
I love those kids.
"Blessed is the man whose strength is in You, whose heart is set on pilgrimage." ~Psalm 84:5
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Count It All Joy
Count it all joy
When the rain begins to fall
Count it all joy
When you've no strength left at all
Count it all joy
When the clouds begin to break
Count it all joy
When your world is about to shake
Count it all joy
When the tears run down your face
Count it all joy
Because of God's amazing grace
When the rain begins to fall
Count it all joy
When you've no strength left at all
Count it all joy
When the clouds begin to break
Count it all joy
When your world is about to shake
Count it all joy
When the tears run down your face
Count it all joy
Because of God's amazing grace
Sunday, October 26, 2008
He's Coming Back!
Today in church our pastor talked some about our Heavenly Hope.
We have been studying the book of Revelation and it's been a challenge but also an encouragement, especially today.
I loved it when he talked about how we should daily be watching and waiting for the Lord's return, sitting at the edge of our seats living as though today is the day! Oh how differently I'm sure each and everyone of us would live, knowing He would soon be here to take us back.
Needless to say it was a big encouragement and a great reminder to me to keep my eyes fixed on the things above.
Then tonight at church group we sang the song "I Am Amazed" Man I totally love that song and the last verse, the one that says "I am bound for paradise..." really touched me. It was the perfect ending to the day. Singing that song and knowing that I am bound for paradise, it is real and it is right.
It's a challenge to me to remember daily to live and watch for His return. Sometimes it seems so far away, and other times it seems even further. But I need to stop living by what I feel and start living by what I know. I know Jesus is coming back to take us home. I know I am to be thinking on the things above, and storing up treasures in Heaven. I may not know what day He is returning, but I know I am to live as though it's today. I know Jesus is coming!
How differently we would view our daily lives if we would just live each day in that hope. How much richer would our lives be! So let's take up a stand. Let's live each day in the hope of Jesus Christ. Let's not just keep it inside us, but let it consume us. Let's live each day to know God more and more. Let's wake up each day knowing this may be the day. Let's live each day in the Lord's grace. Let's never stop watching for His return. Let's live at the edge of our seats.
2 Thessalonians 4:17
Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.
"I am bound for paradise
And it is real, and it is right
To believe Your words in black and red
That You'll come back just like You said and...
I'm amazed, I am amazed
At what Your word tells me You did
I'm amazed, I am amazed
You gave it all so I might live
And I'm amazed with You"
You're coming back! Thank you, Jesus.
We have been studying the book of Revelation and it's been a challenge but also an encouragement, especially today.
I loved it when he talked about how we should daily be watching and waiting for the Lord's return, sitting at the edge of our seats living as though today is the day! Oh how differently I'm sure each and everyone of us would live, knowing He would soon be here to take us back.
Needless to say it was a big encouragement and a great reminder to me to keep my eyes fixed on the things above.
Then tonight at church group we sang the song "I Am Amazed" Man I totally love that song and the last verse, the one that says "I am bound for paradise..." really touched me. It was the perfect ending to the day. Singing that song and knowing that I am bound for paradise, it is real and it is right.
It's a challenge to me to remember daily to live and watch for His return. Sometimes it seems so far away, and other times it seems even further. But I need to stop living by what I feel and start living by what I know. I know Jesus is coming back to take us home. I know I am to be thinking on the things above, and storing up treasures in Heaven. I may not know what day He is returning, but I know I am to live as though it's today. I know Jesus is coming!
How differently we would view our daily lives if we would just live each day in that hope. How much richer would our lives be! So let's take up a stand. Let's live each day in the hope of Jesus Christ. Let's not just keep it inside us, but let it consume us. Let's live each day to know God more and more. Let's wake up each day knowing this may be the day. Let's live each day in the Lord's grace. Let's never stop watching for His return. Let's live at the edge of our seats.
2 Thessalonians 4:17
Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.
"I am bound for paradise
And it is real, and it is right
To believe Your words in black and red
That You'll come back just like You said and...
I'm amazed, I am amazed
At what Your word tells me You did
I'm amazed, I am amazed
You gave it all so I might live
And I'm amazed with You"
You're coming back! Thank you, Jesus.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The Cross

The cross upon the hill all rugged and bare
Tells of the love and suffering that took place there
It speaks of the grace and declares the love
That Jesus gave before taken above
And looking closely you can see
A young child on bended knee
Intently gazing on Heaven's face
Thanking Jesus who took His place
Upon that cross where Jesus hung
So that we could live, knowing it is done
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Thinkin on God's Faithfulness
God is sure faithful! Have you ever noticed that? You probably have, because I don't really know how one could not see His faithfulness. Really. He is just that faithful. Which by the way completely blows my mind.
I was remembering how I felt right before I was about to leave for Berlin. I was so nervous the week before! Many promised to be in prayer for me all along the trip and I was given nothing but encouragement. Still, my heart was uneasy. What would it be like? What was there that I could do on a mission trip? So many questions and doubts filled my mind.
I think it was really two nights before I was to leave that I began to feel the peace which I so desperately longed for. I had always felt peace about me going, I really felt inside that this mission trip was something God had planned for me. But I was getting caught up in all the fears and doubts that can weigh one down.
I went for a walk 2 nights before, just because I felt like I needed some quiet time to be with God. Time to just think. He was so faithful and met me right there! As I was spilling my heart to Him, telling him all my fears and uncertainties, He gave me an overwhelming peace. He placed on my heart the verse Isaiah 41:10, my favorite Bible verse. I felt so much peace in that promise and I was again reminded that His grace is enough. I realized that I may never feel ready to do what I did, but I didn't really need to be. All I could do was turn to God and realize that His strength was what I needed, not my own. I knew that He had this trip planned for me long ago, before I was born actually. And knowing that brought me so much comfort. Just knowing He is God. I found so much peace in the knowledge that He would go behind and before me.
Maybe some wouldn't want to feel that way before a mission trip. Honestly, I didn't want to. At the time. But I now realize I wouldn't have had it any other way. I am so thankful that God showed me that I was not the reason I was heading to Germany. He was. And He was the only One who could give me what I needed on that trip. His grace had been enough for me in the past, and there was no reason it wouldn't cover me in the future. His grace was definitely enough.
It always is.
I was remembering how I felt right before I was about to leave for Berlin. I was so nervous the week before! Many promised to be in prayer for me all along the trip and I was given nothing but encouragement. Still, my heart was uneasy. What would it be like? What was there that I could do on a mission trip? So many questions and doubts filled my mind.
I think it was really two nights before I was to leave that I began to feel the peace which I so desperately longed for. I had always felt peace about me going, I really felt inside that this mission trip was something God had planned for me. But I was getting caught up in all the fears and doubts that can weigh one down.
I went for a walk 2 nights before, just because I felt like I needed some quiet time to be with God. Time to just think. He was so faithful and met me right there! As I was spilling my heart to Him, telling him all my fears and uncertainties, He gave me an overwhelming peace. He placed on my heart the verse Isaiah 41:10, my favorite Bible verse. I felt so much peace in that promise and I was again reminded that His grace is enough. I realized that I may never feel ready to do what I did, but I didn't really need to be. All I could do was turn to God and realize that His strength was what I needed, not my own. I knew that He had this trip planned for me long ago, before I was born actually. And knowing that brought me so much comfort. Just knowing He is God. I found so much peace in the knowledge that He would go behind and before me.
Maybe some wouldn't want to feel that way before a mission trip. Honestly, I didn't want to. At the time. But I now realize I wouldn't have had it any other way. I am so thankful that God showed me that I was not the reason I was heading to Germany. He was. And He was the only One who could give me what I needed on that trip. His grace had been enough for me in the past, and there was no reason it wouldn't cover me in the future. His grace was definitely enough.
It always is.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
The Subway

So this is a story that I find hilariously funny. But to you it may seem a bit of a bore as it might be one of those "have to have been there" types of stories. But we'll give it a shot...
This takes place in Germany -
Now our means of transportation was either the subway or walking. Given a choice, I always voted for the subway. Not that I dislike walking, I really did enjoy walking through the streets of Berlin, but everything exciting seemed to happen at the subway.
So one day, I can't remember which but it was towards the beginning of the trip, we went on the Subway. Not everyone from the team was with us just because this was one time when we split up, one group going one place and the other another place. We were at the station, got on the subway and were waiting for it to leave for the next station. The doors were closing when all of a sudden this guy tries to get on in time. Well, he didn't quite make it. I mean, he did, but he sorta got stuck in the door. It was HILARIOUS. I wish I had saw the whole thing but I wasn't paying that close attention until I heard a big BANG and then the pastors and another team member say "whoa" and trying to help the guy on. He made it, without any harm done really, except his face was beet red, whether from panic or embarrassment I do not know. Probably both.
I wanted to laugh outright then and there, as a matter of fact I started to...but one look at the guy's face told me I'd be wise to wait til a later time to do my giggling.
We made it off the subway and I was laughing uncontrollably. One of my friend's on the team was thinking it was so funny I found it all so comical. Finally the assistant pastor asked me what I kept laughing about. I told him and he was also amazed I found that so funny. I was laughing non-stop for probably the longest I ever had, to the point where I was falling down. Everyone was just staring at me laughing, but laughing not because of the guy but because of me.
Sooo, that was one of the major funny stories of the whole trip. Every time someone (which was usually me) mentioned that I would just about die of laughter. I was still laughing late that night and people thought I was so crazy when I told them I was still laughing about that guy. They said the guy probably even forgot it by now so it was kinda weird I remembered so much.
I think it was the next day, maybe two days later, we were on the Subway once again and a lady got her purse stuck in the door. The pastor of CC Berlin told me I was bad luck since never before in his life had he seen someone or something stuck in the door, and here I go and see it twice in 2 days!
I loved the Subway.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Scattered Thoughts

Do you ever stop and just think?
Maybe wonder where there's so much suffering in the world?
Or have you ever just stopped and enjoyed the simplicity yet beauty of the sunset?
Lately I've realized a lot of pain in the world. And at times it can become overwhelming. I don't understand why people get hurt. I don't get it why some people get sick while some get healed. I don't understand why a 4 year old has to cry because she misses her mommy so much, and my heart breaks knowing I can't say "she'll be here soon" since she's in prison and in reality will be there away from her precious daughter for a very long time. It's just so hard to grasp, hard to think about.
Sometimes I like to just go outside. I like to see all of God's creation. Maybe see the sun shining warm upon the earth, maybe see the golden-leafed trees swaying in the cool wind. All of creation seems to shout out the name of our awesome Creator, declaring His goodness.
And during those times when even thinking is painful, I see more closely the simple yet beautiful things. I've learned that my many "why" questions I long to have answered really don't matter. I've learned that you can't go through life without a struggle but what you do with that struggle only you can decide. And instead of constantly questioning what God is doing, I can thank Him for what He has done.
As important it is to realize life is not always going to be a smooth ride, it's also important to know that God is always good. Once you experience those trials it helps you see more clearly the things that are important, and those things which aren't.
In life there will always be those questions we can't answer but wish we could. But sometimes just knowing God knows the answer is enough.
Life is a gift. It was given to us for a reason. We hate it when we give people gifts and they don't do anything with what we gave them, just stick it in some faraway corner. God sure must be patient with us, because I know He has given us this life and it is truly a precious gift, and He wants us to make the most of it.
So even when there is lots of suffering around, it's important to just know that God is God and thankfully we are not. And because of that we can enjoy the simplist of joys.
Running barefoot along the sandy beach while the ocean mist sprays your face. The simple things. And knowing we are always in the hand of our Father, and He's holding us oh so tight and won't ever let go. The most important thing.
Psalm 121
I will lift my eyes up to the hills--
From whence comes my help?
My help comes from the LORD,
Who made heaven and earth.
He will not allow your foot to be moved;
He who keeps you will not slumber.
Behold, He who keeps Israel
Shall neither slumber nor sleep.
Shall neither slumber nor sleep.
The LORD is your keeper;
The LORD is your shade at your right hand.
The sun shall not strike you by day,
Nor the moon by night.
The LORD shall preserve you from all evil;
He shall preserve your soul.
The LORD shall preserve your going out and your coming
From this time forth and even forevermore.
The Champ
Just wanted to let you all know of a sweet girl named Stephi nicknamed "The Champ" The reasons for her nickname is obvious, she is definitely a fighter and champion!
Stephanie is part of my "Caringbridge Family" and has Down Syndrome and was born with a heart defect. She has had to fight for life way harder than anyone should ever need to. I just wanted to give a small post about her asking for you all to pray for her and her wonderful family. Pray works and they need it right now as always. Please join me in prayer for this special little girl and her family.
Champ's mommy wrote a special poem for her special daughter:
An angel sent to Earth for me, to show me things I could not see.
A little one with light brown curls, Gods precious gift--My little girl
A broken heart would beat within, all we could do was wait on Him.
A smile from her, can light a room, she soars above a world of gloom.
As SHE suffers, many lives are touched. Our little Champ, she endures so much.
But, Father God, I can't understand... Why won't you move your mighty hand?
PLEASE take away some of these crosses she bears, let her ENJOY the life that you have spared.
Let her talk, and walk, and eat. Let her feel the sand beneath her feet.
Let her whisper words, or yell for joy. Maybe even meet that special boy.
Let her dance, and run, and do what girls do. Let me hear her say "Mommy, I love you"
Lord, please NOW- lift her burdens up. This is too much, for her tiny cup
Stephanie is part of my "Caringbridge Family" and has Down Syndrome and was born with a heart defect. She has had to fight for life way harder than anyone should ever need to. I just wanted to give a small post about her asking for you all to pray for her and her wonderful family. Pray works and they need it right now as always. Please join me in prayer for this special little girl and her family.
Champ's mommy wrote a special poem for her special daughter:
An angel sent to Earth for me, to show me things I could not see.
A little one with light brown curls, Gods precious gift--My little girl
A broken heart would beat within, all we could do was wait on Him.
A smile from her, can light a room, she soars above a world of gloom.
As SHE suffers, many lives are touched. Our little Champ, she endures so much.
But, Father God, I can't understand... Why won't you move your mighty hand?
PLEASE take away some of these crosses she bears, let her ENJOY the life that you have spared.
Let her talk, and walk, and eat. Let her feel the sand beneath her feet.
Let her whisper words, or yell for joy. Maybe even meet that special boy.
Let her dance, and run, and do what girls do. Let me hear her say "Mommy, I love you"
Lord, please NOW- lift her burdens up. This is too much, for her tiny cup
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