Monday, October 22, 2012

Week 2: Costa Rica

It was another good week here in Costa Rica!

I'm loving our time at Potter's Field Kids Monday-Wednesday, as well as Kids club which is on Thursdays. Though I still can hardly speak Spanish, I love my time with those kids. Last Monday Tandrian and I taught the English class - we played Simon Says which was a blast. I would give the command in English, and then would demonstrate what I just said (example: clap your hands). Eventually, I would just give them the command without doing the motion and they would remember what it meant. I am so blessed to be able to be here and spend this time with the children.

On Monday afternoons those of us who do PFK meet together to talk and pray before we begin the new week. Last week Don Victor, who is on staff for Potter's Field here in Costa Rica, asked us why we came to Costa Rica. I said (with Tandrian translating since I don't speak Spanish and he doesn't speak English) that I came because I have a heart for missions and kids, and I want to love on the kids.  He encouraged me that I can show love for them even if I can't speak their language - I can show them through my actions. He used as an example a little girl that had come to Kids Club the previous Thursday. I couldn't have a conversation with her, but I held her on my lap during club. He said that that is an example of me being able to love through my actions. He said that she is a little girl who comes from a poor family and she needs a lot of love. God is so, so good for allowing me to be here. I'm so thankful for His grace which allows me to serve Him by serving others. I want to be His hands and His feet. I want to love these kids with the love with which He has loved me.

We've had the power go out a few times this last week. It doesn't stay out for very long, and so it really isn't a big deal. I think it was a week ago last night that it went out for the first time since we'd been here. I was actually already asleep, but I awoke to Sydnie shaking me, and saying "The power went out!" I was so confused for a minute, having just awakened, and it took me a minute to realize what was happening. Our bedroom light was off, which, honestly, we have yet to sleep with it off, because we are both paranoid. Sydnie had been out in the living area when it went out and so she came running into the bedroom (running into the counter in the process). If I were her, I would have done the exact same thing and would have woken her up, but right then I think I would much rather have been asleep instead of waking up to complete darkness. Sydnie was panicking, saying, "I'm not ready to sleep with the light off!" and wondering how she was going to check her bed in the dark (we check our bed for scorpions each night). She was freaking out and was scared of what might be lurking in the darkness. I think I would have been freaking out just as much if I wasn't already safely in my bed. Sydnie got in bed and I think it was only a couple minutes before the power returned. Praise the Lord! We could sleep in the safety of the light again. :)

On Thursday night Sydnie and I stayed up late and cleaned our apartment. We were up really late but I was so glad to get things cleaned. We also talked a lot while cleaning, and so that's part of the reason we were up so late, but it was good. Chatting, cleaning, coffee, and listening to music are some of the best things in life. :)

On Friday Sydnie and I decided to do our laundry. We both thought that we could do a week's worth in one shot, and that way just get it all done at the same time. We decided that we will never do that again! It took us hours - and we still didn't finish it all! Betty saw our tub of clothes soaking and said that whoever clothes those are is really ambitious! I now understand what she meant!

Saturday Tandrian, Betty, Sydnie, and I went to the beach with Matt, Brooke, and their kids. We had a great time! I had a lot of fun with their girls, Isabelle and Audrey. They are so sweet!

Yesterday morning I found myself getting stressed. We have a lot of plumbing problems in our apartment, and our shower was getting all backed up with smelly water. The result: our bathroom stunk really badly and we were unable to shower. It was sad, but just a part of life. Sydnie said, "I know I'm going to read something about this in my devotions!" And she did. She wrote out what she learned in her devotions and shared it with me, and in it she included the first part of the song, "It Is Well":

 "When peace like a river attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll. Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, 'It is well, It is well with my soul.'"

We both needed to be reminded of the fact that we are called to be content no matter the circumstance in which we may find ourselves. The little frustrations that we daily face are just that - little frustrations. We need not let them discourage us and weigh us down.

I'm so thankful for all that Jesus is doing in my life. I am thankful that He is watching over me every minute of every day. I'm thankful that I can take everything to Him in prayer, even little issues such as stinky apartments and leaky sinks. I'm thankful that Jesus doesn't leave me the way that I am, but instead He refines me through the testings and trials of this life.

God is good, and God is faithful!

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