So I thought it was about time I do another update...
EXCITING NEWS is that I have now raised my money for my trip! Praise the Lord!! I was sooooooooooooooo happy, I cannot even tell you!! How it happened was also was totally God.
We had just gotten home from a few days at the beach (we had a blast!) and I received an envelope in the mail that came for me while we were away. It was from my grandparents and it was a check to help my finances for the trip. I was SOOO excited about that - I was literally jumping up and down and telling my friend who was with me how excited I was. Then, I get another envelope from my aunt and uncle and I was just so happy even before I opened it. As I was tearing apart the envelope I tell my friend the amount that I have left to raise for the trip. GOD IS GOOD - the check was made out for EXACTLY that amount. That was too much...I was just giddy with excitement and was so happy. I of course had to add everything up just to be sure I had it all and good news, not only did I raise what I needed to turn into the pastor, I also raised enough to pay back my parents for the deposit they had given him. They had said that I didn't need to worry about paying them back (thank you Dad and Mom!) but I still wanted to since it was for my trip. And sure enough I was able to, and also pay for my passport. So it's all paid for in full!!
I'm still continuing to work at Infinity Stone, ya know, I wanna be able to take some spendin money :) But also I really enjoy going there and the receptionist has even been giving me some sit down jobs to do, such as filing and labeling...which I find nice. I love cleaning but it is good to have some work at a desk :)
One month from Saturday I will be leaving for Germany. It seems it is coming so fast but that is good! Tomorrow evening we will have a team meeting and I am very anxious for that. I think it will be a good time to get a little more prepared and also grow together as a team as we come to know each other more. Please pray for those who have not yet raised all their money as of now, and also please pray for all of us that the Lord would prepare our hearts for whatever He has in store for us in Berlin.
With that, I will say goodnight, or goodmorning, either one works :) I hope that you all are having an amazing summer and that the Lord is blessing you lots.