Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Pennies for Germany

Things are shaping up for my trip to Germany. I went and applied for my passport this week and I slowly but surely am getting to the needed dollar amount. I've been continuing to go to Infinity Stone once a week to clean and doing other little jobs here and there that will help.
I recently started a penny drive! I have a little pail that asks for penny donations to help me go to Germany. I know someone who went to Cambodia and she did that and it actually ended up greatly helping. So, today to Infinity I took it, and sat it by the sink and coffee maker (where the most people go). I just left it there while I cleaned and wasn't going to go around asking. But then the secretary apparently took it around out back to the shop and when she got back she was all excited and told me that she got me donations!! It was such a big blessing to me and I decided that maybe this would work!! :-)

I'm really excited for the trip - only 2 months from tomorrow!!


Lori said...

Oh boy, that's really soon! Are you getting excited? The last time I was in Germany, the Berlin wall was still up! But I recall it being an absolutely beautiful country with warm people and great food!!! Good luck with your fundraising. The penny jar is a great idea.

KennedyJ said...

Ok so sorry I did not write a very long comment last time.:) I bet you will have a great time on your trip!!! I can not wait to her all about it!!!!! Well see ya
Love Kennedy