Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Journey of Life

"The Long Road Home" as you can see is the title of my new blog. After thinking and praying about what the name should be, I thought of that. Now maybe some of you who are as nutty (in a good way of course) about Little House on the Prairie as I am, think that I stole that title from the name of one of the episodes. But no, as much as I love that show, I did not name this blog after it.
I got the name as I was alone, having some quiet time with God. I was feeling really blue, I was feeling homesick. Homesick for Heaven. I thought how this life is just like a long, sometimes very long, road. And we are on our way home, home to Jesus and all the glory that awaits. So if you ever had a day or days like me, when you're so world weary and crying to God, asking Him, "are we almost there?", you know how hard it is. It's hard to wait for something you want so much, but I encourage you to do the next best thing besides being in Heaven with Him, which is spending time with Him. That's what helped me. And just let Jesus do the driving on this journey of life, and if you do, you'll eventually get to where you're going, you'll get to Heaven. There may be some road bumps along the way, some ups and downs and twists and turns, but as long as you hang tight to God, you'll make it.

Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. 1 Corinthians 9:24

So I guess this is my first post. I will try to make the next ones more interesting, but I thought I should explain why exactly I chose that name for the blog.

May God bless you all!


Anonymous said...

Hey Emily!
I didn't know that you wanted a blog! That is so cool! Keep it up! I also love the name! Good name that the Lord brought to you!
God bless and have a good rest of the day!

celestemc said...

This is beautiful Em! I look forward to what the Lord shows you next. I think it's a wonderful name, and I'm going to go add a link from my page right now!

Love ya!

Tamee Blankenship said...

you're such an inspiration to me sweetie - I thank God every day that He brought you into my life - I want to offer you the reminder that as much as we yearn for heaven, our service to others on earth is part of heaven to us - I get emails every day reminding me to check little Ms. Kennedy's blog, which reminds me every day that I wouldn't even KNOW about little Ms. Kennedy if it wasn't for you - don't be in TOO big of a rush for the hereafter - remember how many people you bless every day - who KNOWS how many people will find Christ because you're here! All part of His plan . . .

Big love kiddo - Tamee ;o)

Lori said...

MORE interesting? Could it be possible? You are wise beyond your years Miss Emily and I cannot wait to meet you in person someday. I too yearn for the day when I can see my sweet angel in heaven. But I also don't want to miss a moment of this brief life God has unfolded before me. I take comfort in the knowledge that this earthly life, as long as it may seem some days, is just a blink compared to the eternity we will spend in heaven.

KennedyJ said...

SO cool. You rock. Well just wanted to let you know I stoped by. Thanks for signing my site!!! ~Kennedy